Apply For Knox Gifted Academy

Apply For Knox Gifted Academy

Knox Gifted Academy Overview

Knox Gifted Academy is a public school located in Chandler, AZ, in a large urban setting. Knox Gifted Academy has a student population of 672 and serves grades PK-6. The school has a 70% minority student enrollment.

The student-teacher ratio is 18:1, which is the same as the district. The student population is 50% female and 50% male. The school enrolls 6% economically disadvantaged students. There are 36 full-time equivalent teachers and 1 full-time school counselor.

At a Glance

  • Student/Teacher Ratio 18:1
  • Math ProficiencyN/A
  • Reading ProficiencyN/A

Knox Gifted Academy 2025 Rankings

Knox Gifted Academy is unranked among elementary schools in Arizona. Schools are ranked based on their performance on state-required tests, graduation rates, and how well they prepare their students for high school. 

All Rankings

  • Unranked Elementary Schools in Arizona

Students/Teachers at Knox Gifted Academy

These student and teacher counts and percentages are from data reported to the federal government by state education agencies.Knox Academy is a busy secondary school with approximately 100 staff and over 800 pupils in attendance each day.

Enrollment by Grade
1st Grade74
2nd Grade36
3rd Grade0
4th Grade150
5th Grade112
6th Grade74
Enrollment by Gender
Student Diversity
Minority Enrollment69.6%
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander50.4%
Two or More Races7.3%
Black or African American1.3%
Economically Disadvantaged Students6%
Full-time Teachers36
Certified Full-time Teachers (%)100%
Student-teacher Ratio18:1
Number of Full-time School Counselors1
Test Scores
Math53% (State) / 33% (School)
Reading56% (State) / 38% (School)
School SettingLarge City
Charter SchoolNo
District Total Schools (all grades)44
Total Ranked Elementary Schools30
Total Ranked Middle Schools9
Total Students (all grades)43,716

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