BS Medical Laboratory Technology Universities and Colleges in Pakistan Fee Structure

BS Medical Laboratory Technology Universities and Colleges in Pakistan Fee Structure

We have listed BS Medical Laboratory Technology Universities and Colleges in Pakistan Fee Structure because you can easily find your favorite one. Most of the universities, schools, and colleges (Alma Mater) listed below offer formal degree programs, but some may also offer online degrees.

To check the online degree mode, please contact the Admissions Office or the relevant institution. The fee structure is for local students only. The fee structure is different for overseas Pakistanis, foreign nationals, and international students. The fee structure for overseas seats and international student seats can be obtained directly from the admission office of the university.

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BS Medical Laboratory Technology Universities and Colleges in Pakistan Fee Structure List

InstituteCityDegree, DurationFeeDeadline
1. Abbottabad University Of  Science And TechnologyAbbottabadBS, 4 Years10580028-02-2024
2. Cholistan University Of Veterinary & Animal  SciencesBahawal PurBS (HONS), 4 Years5400015-08-2024
3. The Islamia University Of BahawalpurBahawal PurBS, 4 Years8020030-06-2024
4. University Of Science & TechnologyBannuBS, 4 Years3280031-08-2024
5. Gomal UniversityD.i. KhanBS , 4 Years031-08-2023
6. Faisalabad Medical UniversityFaisalabadBS , 4 Years022-11-2023
7. Government College UniversityFaisalabadB.Sc. , 4 Years6100029-07-2024
8. Government College Women UniversityFaisalabadBS , 4 Years022-07-2024
9. Karakuram International UniversityGilgitBS , 4 Years4214003-08-2023
10. University Of HaripurHaripurBS , 4 Years3800020-08-2024
11. National Skills UniversityIslamabadBS (HONS), 4 Years029-07-2022
12. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, PimsIslamabadBS , 4 Years019-07-2024
13. Liaquat University Of Medical And Health SciencesJamshoroBS , 4 Years015-12-2023
14. University Of SindhJamshoroBS , 4 Years2200004-10-2023
15. University Of KarachiKarachiBS , 4 Years027-12-2023
16. Kohat University Of Science & TechnologyKohatBS , 4 Years5730009-09-2024
17. Government College University LahoreLahoreBS , 4 Years022-07-2024
18.  King Edward Medical University / Mayo HospitalLahoreB.Sc. [Hons] , 4 Years5400002-01-2024
19. University Of Health SciencesLahoreBS , 4 Years024-07-2024
20. University Of Veterinary And Animal SciencesLahoreBS , 4 Years4818009-08-2024
InstituteCityDegree, DurationFeeDeadline
1. Abbottabad University Of  Science And TechnologyAbbottabadBS, 4 Years10580028-02-2024
2. Cholistan University Of Veterinary & Animal  SciencesBahawal PurBS (HONS), 4 Years5400015-08-2024
3. The Islamia University Of BahawalpurBahawal PurBS, 4 Years8020030-06-2024
4. University Of Science & TechnologyBannuBS, 4 Years3280031-08-2024
5. Gomal UniversityD.i. KhanBS , 4 Years031-08-2023
6. Faisalabad Medical UniversityFaisalabadBS , 4 Years022-11-2023
7. Government College UniversityFaisalabadB.Sc. , 4 Years6100029-07-2024
8. Government College Women UniversityFaisalabadBS , 4 Years022-07-2024
9. Karakuram International UniversityGilgitBS , 4 Years4214003-08-2023
10. University Of HaripurHaripurBS , 4 Years3800020-08-2024
11. National Skills UniversityIslamabadBS (HONS), 4 Years029-07-2022
12. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, PimsIslamabadBS , 4 Years019-07-2024
13. Liaquat University Of Medical And Health SciencesJamshoroBS , 4 Years015-12-2023
14. University Of SindhJamshoroBS , 4 Years2200004-10-2023
15. University Of KarachiKarachiBS , 4 Years027-12-2023
16. Kohat University Of Science & TechnologyKohatBS , 4 Years5730009-09-2024
17. Government College University LahoreLahoreBS , 4 Years022-07-2024
18.  King Edward Medical University / Mayo HospitalLahoreB.Sc. [Hons] , 4 Years5400002-01-2024
19. University Of Health SciencesLahoreBS , 4 Years024-07-2024
20. University Of Veterinary And Animal SciencesLahoreBS , 4 Years4818009-08-2024

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