Free Professional Organization Courses

Free Professional Organization Courses

Do you want to become a professional administrator? If so, then many online classes can help. However, taking this course can be time-consuming and expensive for some people. We’ll take a look at some Free Professional Organization Courses that have been in the field for years and find out what they’re talking about. You will be able to take these classes from anywhere and anytime.

Who Is A Professional Organizer?

A professional organizer is someone who helps people organize their lives. This person can be a coach, consultant, or even a teacher.

Free Online Classes for Professional Organizers

All of these are great courses to take, but there’s something for everyone. Some of these courses require a simple sign-up or application process while others don’t even ask you any questions. You have to do your research, but you can usually find some great courses that are 100% free.

Here are some of the best places you can find free online organizer courses.

  • The National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). This course is known as the Professional Organizer Certification Course.
  • National Study Group on Chronic Disorders (NSGCD). The class is called Chronic Disorganization Workshop. It is designed for people who work with unorganized people. This is also a free course that will help you earn certification upon successful completion.
  • National Association of Professional Organizations (NAPO). It is called online education for professional administrators. This is an introduction to the NAPO Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

These courses are much cheaper than attending a live conference. This is because you won’t pay extra for travel and accommodation.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module successfully, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of feedback in your clutter-free life.
  • Highlight the importance of being brutally honest in maintaining a well-organized life.
  • Please outline the motivational factors necessary for decluttering.
  • “Describe the major steps needed to declutter your home, office, and life.”
  • Discuss the disadvantages of an overabundance of stuff around us.
  • Explain the different ways of rewiring your brain.
  • Summarize the simple solutions for the problems when making audio recordings.
  • How can we address the root causes of disorganization in our brains?
  • Outline how to declutter your kitchen, garage and bedroom.

Also see: Cambridge University Online Courses With Professional Certificate | Enroll Now


As you can see, many free online courses exist for professional administrators. It is up to you to research and find what you need. If you want to pursue this as a career, these courses can help. If not, these are still great ways to learn how to organize your life. So, what are you waiting for? Choose and play a course that’s right for you! for? Pick and run with a course that’s right for you.

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