Mobile Phone Repairing Course (3- Months)

Mobile Phone Repairing Course (3- Months)

Are you looking for Mobile Phone Repairing Course (3- Months) in 2025? This is the age of communication and the old ways of communication are becoming obsolete and new and modern ways are constantly replacing them. One such advanced communication is mobile. It has now become a necessity and has been enthusiastically adopted by people all over the world.

The modern masses cannot imagine life without the facility of being able to connect with their family and friends from anywhere at any time. can Due to its being a necessity, it is absorbing more people into it than any other sphere of life, now considering this fact, it is felt necessary to introduce some courses about mobile.

Repairing mobiles is one such course, to create skilled manpower who can repair mobiles to extend their life and make them more useful. This course of Mobile Phone Repairing Course (3- Months) duration covers the use of common hand tools, measuring instruments, communication systems, troubleshooting and repairing mobile phones, software troubleshooting and freely upgrading the software version of the handset. to meet the needs of the labor market.

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Details About Mobile Phone Repairing Course (3- Months)

Name of the Course: Mobile Phone Repairing Entry Level:

  • Diploma of Associate Engineer in Electronics / IT / Telecommunication
  • OR G—Il Level Course in Electrician / Radio TV Electronics / Industrial Electronics / Industrial Instrumentation & Control Duration of Course: 3 — Months (12 weeks) Total Training Hours: 400 Hours Training Methodology: Practical 80%, Theory 20% Medium of Instruction: Urdu / English


After successful completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  1. Apply the safety rules & precautions.
  2. Describe the communication systems.
  3. Explain the basic information about computer applications.
  4. Describe the basic concepts of wireless communication systems.
  5. Define the wireless standards.
  6. Describe the information about multiple access & GSM.
  7. Express concepts about basic networks like traffic/signaling. M Card function and GSM Channel types etc.
  8. Express the repair of the mobiles.
  9. Describe the troubleshooting of the hardware & software.
  10. Describe the IMEI, unlock, sp lock, etc.


After successful completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  1. Work according to general workshop rules & regulations.
  2. Use measuring instruments.
  3. Use different communication systems like radio transmitters, radio receivers & wireless communication, etc.
  4. Operate the computers.
  5. Operate different instruments like the microscope, hot air gun & soldering station, etc.
  6. Find out faults in mobiles & to repair them.
  7. Read the block diagrams of mobile sets.
  8. Troubleshoot different mobiles.
  9. Troubleshoot software problems.
  10. Repair IMEI.
  11. Unlock the sp lock.
  12. Upgrade software version of handsets.

Scheme of Studies for Mobile Phone Repairing Course

Mobile Phone Repairing (3-Month Course)

NoSubjectsTheory (Hrs)Practical (Hrs)Total Hrs
1Fundamentals of Mobile Telephony82634
2Repair Methodology / Repair82634
3Testing Method with Measuring82836
4Trouble Shooting24226250
5IT Fundamentals41620
6Functional English152540

About Mobile Phone Repairing Course 3 month 2025

1Fundamentals of Mobile Telephony
Introduction to Wireless Communication SystemAbbreviations of Communication Systems, Mobile Radio systems Around the world, Examples of wireless Communication Systems, Paging, Cordless Telephone system, Cellular Telephone Systems, Comparison of Common Wireless Communication Systems, Problems
MultiplexingMultiplexing Techniques Overview, Introduction to Multiplexing Technique, Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
Multiple AccessIntroduction to Multiple Access, Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Advanced Mobile Phones Service (AMPS) and European Total Access Communication System (ETACS) Overview
Global System for Mobile (GSM)GSM History, GSM Specifications, GSM Band Spectrum, GSM Benefits, Growth in Wireless Data, Mobile Data Technology Evolution, GPRS (General Packet Radio Services)
Basic Network OverviewTraffic/signaling, Network overview, SIM-Card and mobile Equipment, SIM-Card Function, Mobile Identification, Trends in mobile Station, Services, Tele services, Supplementary Services, Intelligent Network Services, Cellular Principles, GSM Radio Subsystem, GSM Channel Types, Functions and Protocols
2Repair MethodologyIntroduction to repair system for mobile phones, Handset repair, General Block diagram of mobile phones, Inspection procedure, Fault diagnoses procedure, Trouble Shooting procedure, Block diagram of mobile phones (Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Siemens, Motorola, Samsung, Panasonic series)
3Testing Method with Measuring InstrumentsHow to operate the Microscope, Hot air gun, Soldering station, Rework station, Soldering Lead, Soldering Paste, De-Soldering wire, Demonstration to Replace SMD, Exchange SMD Components, Repairing steps, Repairing Tips
4Trouble ShootingBasic of Trouble Shooting, How to Replace (Microphone, Antenna, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display, Transmitter)
Troubleshooting of Software ProblemsIntroduction of Software problem of a Handset, Introduction of requirements (Basic Knowledge), How to identify the software problem of different models of handsets, What is the cause of this problem, What is the effect of this problem, Cleaning Brush(Skills and Techniques), Repairing Steps, Repairing Tips, Demonstration, How to use the appropriate equipment and software for troubleshooting, Practice
Trouble shooting of Nokia SeriesReplacement of (Microphone, Antenna/Transmitter, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display)
Trouble shooting of Sony Ericsson SeriesReplacement of (Microphone, Antenna/Transmitter, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display)
Trouble shooting of Samsung SeriesReplacement of (Microphone, Antenna/Transmitter, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display)
Trouble shooting of Siemens SeriesReplacement of (Microphone, Antenna/Transmitter, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display)
Trouble shooting of Panasonic SeriesReplacement of (Microphone, Antenna/Transmitter, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display)
Trouble shooting of Motorola SeriesReplacement of (Microphone, Antenna/Transmitter, Speaker, battery terminal, Pin, Vibrator, Charging IC, Filter cap, display)
5IT FundamentalsComputer Basics: Computer system components, Input/Output devices, Storage devices, Operating system, Application Software, Computer Languages, Viruses
Internet: Basic of Internet, Internet Browsing, Internet Surfing, E-mailing, Internet Search Engines
6Functional EnglishBasic of Functional English: Usage of Dictionary, Construction of Sentences, Grammar, Vocabulary, Tenses, Translation from Urdu to English, Communication Skills, Spoken English, Conversation, Expressions, Parts of Speech

Also see: Tevta AutoCAD course

List of Practicals for Mobile Phone Repairing Course 2025

  1. Interpreting schematic drawings of simple electrical circuits.
  2. The practice of loose wiring on the following circuit.
  3. Identify inductors, capacitors, transformers, vacuum tubes, transistors, and their symbols. Drawing of simple circuits using the symbols.
  4. Introduction of ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter and multi-meter
  5. Measurement of current using an ammeter
  6. Measurement of voltage using a voltmeter
  7. Measurement of current, voltage, and resistance using multi-meter
  8. Verification of Ohm’s law.
    • Keeping the voltage constant.
    • Keeping the resistance constant.
  9. Verification of the laws of series and parallel combination of resistance by
    • Ohmmeter method.
    • Voltmeter — ammeter method.
  10. Verify Kirchhoff’s laws.
  11. Measurement of power.
    • Voltmeter / Ammeter method.
    • Wattmeter.
  12. The practice of resistor color-coding.
  13. Identify different types of capacitors and their color coding.
  14. Determine the capacitance by using a digital LCR meter
  15. Verify laws of combination of capacitors.
  16. Observe capacitor charging and discharging.
  17. Determine the inductance of a choke coil using an LCR meter
  18. Familiarization with various types of transformers used in an electric field
  19. Determine the voltage and current ratio of a transformer
  20. Identification of diodes, transistors (BJT & FET), and their electrodes.
  21. Identify various diodes, transistors, and ICs (number system and terminals).
  22. Checking of junction diode and constructing a bridge rectifier.
  23. Study number system of diode and transistor using data book.
  24. Assembling a full wave diode rectifier with a filter.
  25. Demonstrate the diode as a switch with LED as a load.
  26. Troubleshoot a faulty diode rectifier circuit.
  27. Assemble Zener diode as voltage regulator
  28. Assemble a power supply using an IC regulator
  29. Usage of oscilloscope
    • Observing sine wave on an oscilloscope and determining its peak and peak-to-peak value
    • RMS and the average value
    • Wavelength, time, and frequency
  30. Draw the Circuit diagram of half / full wave rectifier
  31. Procedures of Booting.
    • Booting DOS,
    • Windows 3.X Boot Process,
    • Windows 95/98/XP Booting Process.
  32. Configurations of Windows & adding Device Drivers.
  33. Disk scanning through Scandisk utility
  34. Identification of the elements of the Windows start-up screen.
  35. Identify icons, bars, and elements of Explorer windows.
  36. Use File Explorer to work with files and folders.
  37. Using Windows help.
  38. Running application programs under Windows.
  39. Introduction to DOS Commands.
  40. Installation of other peripheral devices.
  41. Identify different IC packages.
  42. Identification of TTL and CMOS families.
  43. Pin configuration of TTL, NOT, OR, AND, NOR, and NAND gates.
  44. Pin identification CMOS, NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND gates.
  45. Verification of truth tables two input / three input OR gate.
  46. Verification of truth tables two input / three input AND gate.
  47. Verification of truth tables NOT gate.
  48. Verification of truth tables two input / three input NOR gate.
  49. Verification of truth tables two input / three input NAND gate.
  50. Conversion of NAND/NOR gates into NOT, OR, AND gates.
  51. Development of OR and AND gate by using discrete components.
  52. Build XOR and XNOR circuits using basis gates.
  53. Functional English:
    • Group discussion
    • Interviews
    • Roleplay
  54. IT Fundamentals:
    • Turn On/Off and setting of power supply
    • Accessing The Desktop
    • Using of Icons and Shortcuts
    • Setting/customizing the desktop
    • Viewing the contents of the computer — Directory
    • Copying, Deleting, and Moving Files in a folder
    • Working with different Applications
    • Opening MS Word for typing
    • Typing Lessons: ASDF, JKL;, UIOP, REWQ, NM,., VCXZ, All letters using index fingers
    • Formatting in MS Word Bold, Italic, etc.
    • Using Internet
    • Opening Email, making a new account
    • Sending and Receiving Emails.


Mobile Phone Repairing

  • Mobile Repairing Lab
  • Computer Lab

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA courses Date: Approved Sign: VO


(For a class of 25 students)

  1. Surface mount device rework station – 5 Nos.
  2. Microscope – 2 Nos.
  3. Product-specific jigs for different brands – 2 Nos.
  4. GSM test set – 2 Nos.
  5. Universal antenna coupler with a complete base station – 2 Nos.
  6. Power supply digital – 10 Nos.
  7. Storage box – 200 Nos.
  8. Flash Programmer – 5 Nos.
  9. Universal battery tester – 10 Nos.
  10. Grounding station (EST / SMD) – 5 Nos.
  11. Soldering Iron – 25 Nos.
  12. BGA rework station – 25 Nos.
  13. SMD rework station – 10 Nos.
  14. Tool kits (for mobile repacking) – 25 Nos.
  15. Computer set P-IV – 10 Nos.
  16. RF Signal Generator 2000 MHZ – 2 Nos.
  17. Digital / Analog Multimeter – 10 Nos.
  18. Digital Oscilloscope – 2 Nos.
  19. Authenticator / Nokia software downloader – 25 Nos.
  20. Wood bench – 25 Nos.
  21. Est chairs – 2 Nos.
  22. Service station – 2 Nos.
  23. Hot air gun – 2 Nos.

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA Date: Approved Sign: VO


  1. Desktop computer (Specifications as per notification issued by MIS Section, TEVTA) – 1 for each student & 1 for the teacher
  2. Printer (Laser) – 01
  3. Scanner – 01
  4. Internet Connection (At least 1 MB speed) – 01
  5. UPS 10 KVA – 01
  6. Air Conditioner 1.5 Ton – 02
  7. Multimedia Projector – 01

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA Date: Approved Sign: VO


(For a class of 25 students)

  1. PVC Wire (Each 2 coils)
  2. Lamp 60w/200w (Each 6 Nos)
  3. Switch, socket, lamp holder (Each 25 Nos)
  4. Copper coated Sheet 4’x4’ – 5 Nos
  5. PVC Board 7″ x 4″ with plastic plate and hole for 2 switch, 1 socket, 1 multi-pin socket, and 1 lamp holder – 25 Nos
  6. Resistor (Different values) – 500 Nos
  7. Transformer 6V+6V, 220V input 3A – 10 Nos
  8. Capacitor 1000uf /65v, 100uf/35v, 47uf/35v (Each 50 Nos)
  9. Diode IN4004/4007 (Each 100 Nos)
  10. LED red, green, blue, and multi-color (Each 100 Nos)
  11. Huck up wire (flexible) – 5 coil
  12. Board marker – 2 dozen
  13. Permanent Marker fine Tip – 3 dozen
  14. Zener Diode 6V, 9V, 12V 2watt (Each 25 Nos)
  15. Transistor C828, C1383, A684, 2N3055 (Each 25 Nos)
  16. Variable Resistor 500 ohm and 1KΩ (Each 25 Nos)
  17. Etching material – 2 Kg
  18. Charging pin different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  19. Antenna different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  20. Microphone different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  21. Speaker different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  22. Motherboard different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  23. LCD different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  24. Board Gripper OR Jig different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  25. Soldering wire – 5 Nos each
  26. Car phone charger different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  27. Contact cleaner – 3 Nos
  28. De soldering paste (imported) – 2 tins big
  29. USB Charging cable different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  30. Software with all accessories different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  31. Screen protector different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  32. Batteries different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  33. Component storage box – 5 Nos each
  34. Screen protector different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  35. Computer interfacing cables of different models (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each
  36. Casing different model (for available mobile in stock) – 5 Nos each

Functional English

  • Stationery: As per requirement
  • Board Markers: As per requirement

IT Fundamentals

  • Printing Paper: As per requirement
  • Printer Toner: As per requirement

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA Date: Approved Sign: VO


The pass-outs of this course may find job/employment opportunities in the following sectors/areas:

  1. Mobile phone companies such as NOKIA, SONY ERICSSON, SAMSUNG, MOTOROLA, SIEMENS, and PANASONIC.
  3. Mobile phone repair workshops.

Developed by Curriculum Section, Academics Department TEVTA Date: Approved Sign: VO


This data includes labs, machinery, equipment, tools, consumables, employment information of course pass-outs, and some additional sections about the course content.

Minimum qualification requirements for teachers or instructors

Mobile Phone Repairing

  • B.Sc. Engineering in a relevant field with 2 years of relevant experience
  • DAE in a relevant field with 4 years of relevant experience
  • 2 years Proficiency Certificate with 6 years of relevant experience

Functional English

  • M.A. (English)

I.T. Fundamentals

  • DAE CIT / BCS from an HEC-recognized university​​.

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