Virtual University Admission To Professional Short Certificate Courses| Enroll Now

Virtual University Admission To Professional Short Certificate Courses| Enroll Now

Admission To Professional Short Certificate Courses 2024 at VU is open now. Virtual University has introduced certificate courses for professionals working in the industry as well as the public at large. They aim to retrain professionals in newly emerging fields of science and technology as well as provide the public with an opportunity to learn basic subjects that may be of general interest.

Professional Short Certificate Courses are offered in five disciplines:

  • Computer Science
  • General Science
  • Humanities
  • Management
  • Mathematics.

Details About Professional Short Certificate Courses 2024

  • Courses Duration: Each certificate course is of one-semester duration (18 weeks).
  • Institute: Virtual University (VU)
  • Deadlines: Open Now

Eligibility Requirements

Candidate can read, write, and understand the English language and there is no restriction of age, gender or educational qualification. A candidate may apply for admission to a maximum of four (04) courses during a semester. However, students already enrolled in a Virtual University degree/diploma program are ineligible for admission to the certificate courses.

Educational material

The University only mails a package containing the lecture handouts/DVDs of the courses that the University has prepared. In case of non-availability of study material for a course, the student shall consult the books/materials prescribed in the course(s) catalog/LMS and shall not claim lecture handouts/DVDs.

However, a student must submit an application (signed hard copy) to the Registrar, Virtual University of Pakistan, MA Jinnah Campus, Defense Road, Off Raiwand Road, Lahore within fifteen days of the commencement of the semester for his registered certificate course. Change is allowed. , Pakistan or ([email protected]).

To replace the received package (if already received) by sending course lecture handouts and lecture DVDs to such student along with shipment charges to VU Bookshop ([email protected]) 100/- as required for payment of Rs. To get the newly selected course content. However, overseas students must pay additional shipment charges for the newly selected course.

Also see: Industrial Automation Course In Lahore| Register Today

Evaluation of study progress

Assessment of student learning progress is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester through assignments, online quizzes, graded moderated discussion boards (GMDBs), and mid-term and final exams.

Award of Certificate

Each certificate course has three credit hours (except for Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies). Course credit hours earned are transferable to a university degree/diploma program. Upon completion of the coursework requirements, a course certificate will be issued by the VU Academic Department ([email protected]).

Fee structure

Note: The University will not refund any amount paid if a student leaves the University or applies for cancellation of admission. However, the fees for dropping/freezing certificate courses are as follows:

It seems you want to create a structured table listing certificate courses offered by a university across various categories. Here’s an example format to present the courses in a more organized and easy-to-read table:

Professional Short Certificate Courses Offered by the VU 2024

CategoryCourse CodeCourse Title
Accounting, Banking & FinanceACC311Fundamentals of Auditing
ACC501Business Finance
BNK601Banking Laws & Practices
FIN611Advanced Financial Accounting
MGT101Financial Accounting
MGT402Cost & Management Accounting
Computer Science/ITCS001VU-Computer Proficiency License
CS101Introduction to Computing
CS301Data Structures
CS311Introduction to Web Services Development
CS502Fundamentals of Algorithms
ECO404Managerial Economics
EnglishENG001Elementary English
ENG101English Comprehension
ENG301Business Communication
HumanitiesEDU101Foundations of Education
EDU301General Methods of Teaching
GSC101General Science
LawMGT611Business & Labor Law
MGT612Corporate Law
ManagementHRM613Performance Management
MGMT611Human Relations (HRM611)
MGMT628Organizational Development (HRM628)
MarketingMGT301Principles of Marketing
MKT610Customer Relationship Management
MKT621Advertising & Promotion
Mass CommunicationMCM101Introduction to Mass Communication
MCM301Communication skills
MCM604International Communication
MathematicsMTH100General Mathematics
MTH101Calculus and Analytical Geometry
MTH601Operations Research
PHY301Circuit Theory
PsychologyPSY101Introduction to Psychology
PSY401Clinical Psychology
PSY502History & Systems of Psychology
SociologySOC101Introduction to Sociology
SOC401Cultural Anthropology

Molecular Biology

Eligibility Requirements

Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Forensic Science, Veterinary Science, Animal Science, Environmental Science, Genetics, Microbiology, Pharmacy, Wildlife, Fisheries, Zoology, or equivalent degree in Biological Sciences with at least 45% marks or CGPA 2.00 out of 4.

Course CodeTitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
BIO302Molecular Biology 4
BIO201Cell Biology 4
BIO203Methods in Molecular BiologyBIO302-Molecular Biology3
BIO731Advanced Molecular BiologyBIO302-Molecular Biology3
BIO732Gene Manipulation and Genetic EngineeringBIO302-Molecular Biology   BIO203-Methods in Molecular Biology3
BIO734Advances in Cell BiologyBIO201-Cell Biology3

Complete Professional Short Certificate Courses Outline

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