TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024

TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024

TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024 aims to help candidates acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in electrical electronics/and audio video equipment. So that he can start his career as an audio-video mechanic, and earn his livelihood by repairing audio.

TEVTA Courses will provide you audio video equipment and you will be fully taught about this course. With the help of this, you will be able to make the best decision for your future. If you are interested in this course, then study the following information carefully.

Upon completion of TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024, the trainee should have learned the following:

  • Basic Electricity and Electronics
  • Radio Component and Electronic devices
  • Power Supplies
  • Radio Receiver (A.M)
  • Audio Power Amplifiers
  • Servo Control System in Audio and Video Equipment
  • Video Cassette Recorder / Playing VCD and DVD
  • Television Camera (V.H.S)
  • Television Receiver

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Details About TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024

  • Entry Level: Matric
  • Duration of Course: 6 Months
  • Total Training Hours: 360 Hours
  • Training Schedule: 15 Hours/Week (3 Hours a Day)
  • Training Methodology: 90% Practical, 10% Theory

Skills Proficiency Details

On completion of the TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024, the trainee will be able to perform the following tasks:

  1. Observe safety rules while working on electrical appliances and prevent himself and others from electrical shock.
  2. Use electronic test equipment safely and accurately.
  3. Test electronic components and devices.
  4. Solder joints expertly.
  5. Assemble power supply, radio receiver, and amplifiers.
  6. Find faults in radio amplifiers and tape recorders.
  7. Remove faults in the radio, amplifier, and tape recorders.
  8. Find faults in video equipment (VCP/VCR, VCD/DVD, TV, Camera, Television).
  9. Remove faults in VCP/VCR, VCD/DVD, TV, and Camera.
  10. Undertake repair of Television.

Knowledge Proficiency Details For TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024

On completion of this course, a trainee will acquire the following knowledge:

  1. Basic knowledge about electricity, rules, units, and safety precautions.
  2. Use, care, and maintenance of electronics mechanic tools and measurement/test equipment.
  3. Working of radio components (resistor, capacitor, inductor, transformer, diode, transistor).
  4. Basic electronic theory and introduction to transistors and integrated circuits.
  5. Essential functions of power supply for radio and amplifier with the help of block diagrams.
  6. Basic Mechanism of Video Cassette Recording, Playing, and Principles.
  7. Basic knowledge of VCD and DVD.
  8. Principle of operating video cameras.
  9. Basic knowledge of servo control systems in Audio/Video recording.
  10. Explanation of the function of each part of B/W & Color TV.
  11. Fault finding and troubleshooting in radio, amplifier, VCP/VCR, VCD, DVD, Cameras, and Television.

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Scheme of Studies TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024

(Audio Video Mechanic-6 Months Course)

Sr. NoTopicsTraining (Hrs for Theory)Training (Hrs for Practical)
1Basic Electricity and Electronics720
2Power Supply320
4Radio Receiver430
6Video Cassette Player/Video Cassette Recorder VCP/VCR330
7Servo Control System in Audio/Video Recorder840
8Video Camera220
9Video Compact Disk VCD112
10Digital Video Display DVD110
Total38 hrs322 hrs



  1. Basic Electricity/Electronics
  • Atomic Structure & Practical
  • Force Between Equal & Opposite Charge
  • Electrical Quantities & Units
  • Generation of EMF
  • Direction of Current
  1. Conductor & Insulator
  • Types of Material
  • Application of Conductor and Insulator
  • Resistance and its Unit
  • Resistance Depending on Material, Length, and Cross Section
  • Material for Resistance
  • Specific Resistance
  • Color Code of Resistor
  • Resistance in AC and DC Circuits
  1. Ohmโ€™s Law
  • Definition
  • Relation Between I, V, & R
  • Series & Parallel Circuit
  • Current and Voltage in Series & Parallel Circuit
  • Constant and Variable Voltage Divider
  • Load and No Load Characteristic
  1. Capacitor & Coil
  • Definition of Capacitance & Inductance
  • Types of Capacitors & Inductors
  • The capacitor in AC & DC Circuit
  • A coil in AC & DC Circuit
  • RLC Circuit
  • Impedance Z
  • Self Induction / Mutual Induction
  • Direction & Magnitude of Self Induction Voltage
  1. Transformer
  • Construction & Working Principle
  • Transformation of Voltage, Current, and Impedance
  1. Semiconductor (Diode)
  • N & P Types Semiconductor Material
  • Diode Construction
  • Diode in AC & DC Circuit
  1. Power Supply
  • Rectification, Full Wave Rectification, Half Wave & Full Wave
  • Center Tape Type and Bridge Type Rectifier Circuit
  • RC & LC Filter Circuit
  • Introduction to Switch Mode Power Supply
  • Block Diagram
  • Function of Switch Mode Power Supply
  • Type of Switch Mode Power Supply
  1. Zener Diode
  • Characteristic Curve & Zener Effect & Operating Range
  • Need for Series Resistance
  • Voltage Stabilization
  • Zener as a Regulator
  • Block Diagram of Regulator
  1. Transistor
  • BJT + FET
  • Construction
  • Biasing (Input/Output & Control)
  • Characteristics Curve
  • Transistor as Switch
  • Transistor as Amplifier
  • Common Base, Common Emitter & Common Collector Configuration
  • Adjustment and Stabilization of Operation
  • Introduction of FET and Working Principle
  • Classification of Amplifier
  • Feedback in Amplifier Circuit
  • Coupling of Multi-stage Amplifier
  • Push-Pull Amplifier Circuit & Function

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  1. Radio Receiver
    • Basic Operation with the Help of Basic Oscillating Circuit
    • The Components of an Oscillator Circuit
    • Feedback, Amplitude & Condition of Phase
    • Type of Oscillators
    • Multivibrator
    • Principle of Radio Transmitting and Receiving
    • Working Principle of Different Stages and Signal Transmission
    • Principle of Super Heterodyne Receiver
    • Block Diagram
    • Working Principle
    • Quality of a Good Receiver
  2. Television
    • Types of Picture Tubes & Setup Adjustments
    • Scanning and Synchronizing
    • RF Tuners & Remote Operation
    • Sound Signal Processing
    • Video Signal Processing
    • Video Signal Flow
    • Block Diagram B&W TV
    • Block Diagram of Color TV
    • Servicing Techniques
    • Safety Measures
    • Reading Service Manuals
    • Signal Tracing
    • Finding Defective Components
    • Removing/Replacing Defective Components
    • Final Adjustment & Performance Tests
  3. Video Cassette Player (VCP) / Video Cassette Recorder (VCR)
    • Video Signal Processing
    • Audio Signal Processing
    • Luminance Signal Modulation
    • Block Diagram
  4. Servo Control System
    • Rotary Head Drum Assembly
    • Head Switching in Playback
    • Four Head Machines
    • Scanner Servo System
    • Speed Servo Loop
    • Phase Servo Loop
    • Timing Comparator
    • Control Track & Capstone Servo System
    • CTL Pulse
    • Capstone Servo System
    • Tracing for Playback
    • Multi-Speed Operation (SP, LP)
    • Frequencies in Servo Control System
    • CTL (Control)
    • FG (Frequency Generation)
    • CTP (Cylinder Track Pulses)
    • Higher Definition Recording System
    • Hi.Fi Stereo
    • Super VHS or S-VHS
  5. Video Cameras
    • Working Principles of Video Cameras
    • Camera Tube Types
    • Photo Electric Effects
    • Image Storage Principle
    • Electron Scanning Beam
    • Video Signal Encoding
    • Pickup Devices Evaluation
    • Monochrome TV Camera (Block)
    • Color Camera
    • Types of Color Camera
  6. Video Compact Disk (VCD)
    • VCD Storage System Block Diagram
    • Optical Disk Mechanism
    • Modulation Techniques
    • Optical Playback System Block Diagram
  7. Digital Video Display (DVD)
    • DVD Disk Specifications
    • Multi Aspect Ratio
    • Optical Playback System
    • Language Options
    • DVD Picture Quality
    • DVD ROMS


Sr. NoTopicDuration (In Hours)
1Use of Volt & Ampere Meter1
2Use of Oscilloscope1
3Resistance Measurement & Color Code Identification1
4Testing Capacitor1
5Testing Inductor1
6Testing Transformer1
7Testing Diode1
8Testing Zener Diode1
9Testing Transistor2
10Testing Switch Mode Power Supply2
11Rectifier Circuit Testing1
12Capacitor Circuit Testing1
13Inductor Circuit Testing1
14Multi Vibrator Circuit2
15AM Radio Receiver Testing2
16FM Radio Receiver Testing2
17BJT Transistor Testing2
18FET Transistor Testing2
19Function of Various Radio Components3
20Identifying Faulty Components in Radio Receiver3
21Identifying Faulty Components in Amplifier3
22Servo Control System Components Testing2
23Video Signal Processing System Testing2
24TV Receiver Component Testing4
25Identifying Faulty Components in TV Receivers4
26Video Cassette Recorder Testing3
27Video Cassette Player Testing3
28Identifying Faulty Components in Video Cassette Player3
29VCD Component Testing3
30DVD Component Testing3
Total66 Hours

Criteria For TEVTA Audio Video Mechanic Course 2024

The assessment of candidates should be based on the following:

  1. Class Attendance
  2. Class Participation
  3. Practical Skills
  4. Theory Test Results
  5. Assignments
  6. Final Practical Examination
  7. Final Theory Examination

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